Tempe, AZ
Business Directory

Tempe is a bustling city situated in the heart of the Valley of the Sun. With its warm and sunny weather, Tempe is an ideal destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers. The city is home to the picturesque Tempe Town Lake, providing opportunities for boating, fishing, and lakeside picnics. Tempe is also well-known for its vibrant cultural scene, highlighted by the Arizona State University campus, which brings a youthful energy to the area. Local businesses thrive in Tempe, offering a variety of options for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Whether you're looking for trendy boutiques, diverse restaurants, or lively music venues, Tempe has something to satisfy every taste.Show More

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Best Restaurants in Tempe

With over 951 locations to choose from, YP.com "The Real Yellow Pages" is here to help you discover the top restaurants in Tempe. Fortunately, we've gathered over 784 reviews for restaurants in Tempe. These restaurants have an average 4-star rating to help you narrow it down.

If you're looking for places to eat fast food we've found over 118 popular options in Tempe. We love fast food as much as you do. We suggest checking out McDonald's, Cafe Rio, or Panda Express in Tempe to get your fix.

fast food restaurants in Tempe are well rated and have over 33 reviews, so you are bound to find something nearby.

Tempe, AZ is also known for having great restaurant food so you can check out Gen Korean BBQ House, First Watch Restaurant, and Cabin Tempe for popular choices. If you've already tried these locations and want to try something new, you can check out one of the other 83 restaurants that have 28 reviews and an average of 5 stars.

Just to make it clear that you have an abundance of options in Tempe we'll make a few more suggestions: Los Reyes De La Torta, Maskadores Taco Shop, and Ghost Ranch: Modern Southwest Cuisine are known for their top notch Mexican food in Tempe.

Regardless of where your stomach is leading you, YP.com "The Real Yellow Pages" can help you find the best food in Tempe.

No matter the circumstances, we have a restaurant in Tempe that is perfect for just about any occasion. Easily make online reservations through YP.com as there are 135 Tempe restaurants that will let you book a table in advance.

With this many choices it's easy to plan ahead and ensure a great experience in Tempe. Check out Mijana, Juba Restaurant, or Chopstick Express for booking a table during the busiest hours.

Catering options are also widely available to you. There is a total of 96 restaurants in Tempe that can either cater to you or have your order ready when you arrive for pick-up. Tzikii Pita Grill, Hungry Howie's Pizza, or Kabab Palace Fine Indian Dining are popular options for catered food in Tempe.

Are you planning an outing with a larger number of people? Someburros, Thai Basil, and Yupha's Thai Kitchen in Tempe and 35 other restaurants are excellent choices for parties or large groups.

If there are children involved in your outing, not to worry, as we have 57 good places to eat in Tempe that are kid-friendly. Thai Elephant, Sushi Time, and The Greek Pita are popular kid-friendly restaurants in Tempe, AZ.

Concerned about what to wear? Locations like Rosita's Fine Mexican Food, Bacus Bros Hot Dogs and Beer, and Jack in the Box in Tempe are on the more casual side, along with 200 other restaurants.

If you're looking for somewhere to eat in Tempe but wish to find some options that provide discounts, we have 2 restaurants in Tempe, favorites include:

Tempe certainly has some great dining options in the state of Arizona, but if you want to explore other nearby cities you can view our list of restaurants in Mesa, Scottsdale, or Gilbert and so much more.

Continue to browse our top restaurants in Tempe and share your experience with YP.com!

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