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Cleaning - Questions & Answers

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who does cleaning for sanitizing purposes during Covid-19 in large Fab Shops?



Personnel responsible for cleaning and sanitizing purposes during Covid-19 in large fab shops may include:

  1. In-house custodial staff
  2. Professional cleaning contractors hired by the fab shop
  3. Health and safety officers within the fab shop
  4. Production staff assigned with cleaning responsibilities in addition to their usual job duties.
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Who does deep cleaning of slate floors near Fremont ohio



You can search online for local cleaning services or specialist flooring companies that offer slate floor cleaning services. You can also ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who may have hired a professional cleaning service for their slate floors....Read More

we need a blind cleaning service that comes to the house



I understand that you are looking for a blind cleaning service that offers in-home service. Although I cannot directly provide the service, I can suggest a few strategies to help you find such a service:

  1. Search online: Use search engines or online directories to look for blind cleaning services in your area. Include keywords like "in-home blind cleaning service" or "mobile blind cleaning service" for more specific results. Explore the websites of these services to find out if they offer in-home cleaning.
  2. Contact local cleaning companies: Reach out to local cleaning companies or maid services and inquire if they offer blind cleaning as part of their services. Ask if they can send their professionals to your house to clean blinds.
  3. Ask for recommendations: Check with friends, family, or neighbors if they have used any blind cleaning services that come to the house. Personal recommendations are often reliable and can provide you with insights into the quality of service.
  4. Check classified ads or local newspapers: Look for advertisements in local newspapers or online classifieds that mention blind cleaning services. Some businesses might advertise in these mediums but may not have a significant online presence.
  5. Reach out to blind manufacturers or retailers: Contact blind manufacturers or retailers in your area and inquire if they provide blind cleaning services. They may have partnerships with cleaning companies and can recommend services that offer in-home cleaning.

Once you have identified potential blind cleaning services, make sure to ask about their pricing, scheduling, and the cleaning methods they employ. Additionally, inquire about their experience, certifications, and customer reviews to ensure the service meets your expectations.

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how do you get hair dye off of vinyl floor and wood cabinet



dont put hair dye on it in the first place.

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How do I get coffee stains out of my rug?


Denise B.

If the stain is fresh, blot the coffee with a white cloth until it has all been soaked up. Pour a little water onto the stain and blot again. Repeat the process above for dried stains, and then sponge a dish soap and warm water solution onto the stain and blot again....Read More
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