how to do deep cleaning?


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Here are some steps to consider when doing a deep cleaning:

  1. Gather your cleaning supplies: Before you start cleaning, gather all the necessary equipment such as gloves, cleaning products, sponges, and a mop or vacuum.
  2. Set a time limit: Deep cleaning can take a lot of time, so try to set a reasonable amount of time for each task, so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  3. Start from the top: When deep cleaning, start with the highest point of the space and work your way down to avoid dust and dirt being spread around.
  4. Focus on high traffic areas: High traffic areas such as the kitchen and bathroom require extra attention, so make sure to clean thoroughly in those areas.
  5. Clean appliances: Move appliances such as the refrigerator and oven and clean behind, underneath, and inside.
  6. Clean windows and walls: Use a microfiber cloth or a sponge to clean windows and walls, and don’t forget to clean around any light fixtures and baseboards.
  7. Take breaks: It’s essential to take breaks during deep cleaning to avoid fatigue.
  8. Dispose of waste: Once you’re finished cleaning, dispose of any waste in designated bins, and clean any trash cans.

Remember to work systematically and prioritize cleaning the areas that need it the most. Ask more specific questions related to deep cleaning to provide a better guide on this issue.

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