How much does cabinet refinishing cost?


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YP Answers

The cost of cabinet refinishing varies, with the most important variables being square footage and solid wood versus wood veneers. Solid wood costs about much more to refinish than the national average of $2,300-2,500. Cabinet refacing averages between $4,300-9,000, though people who DIY everything and use low-cost materials may end up paying much less—sometimes as low as $1,000. Likewise, people who hire professionals and order expensive real wood veneers or who just have extensive cabinetry, may end up paying 30% more than the normal high range of the pricing spectrum....Read More

Robin P.

As a contractor, I tend to charge between $1800 to $2800 to refinish the whole kitchen. However, there are lots of variables, including the size of the kitchen, the number of cabinets and refinishing materials. The area you're in likely makes a difference as well. ...Read More

Meagan P.

The range depends on the size of your kitchen. My kitchen is on the smaller side, and I recently spent $1,800 to have my cabinets refinished. My sister has a large kitchen, and she spent $3,000 last year. ...Read More