Are there any colors which work better for cabinet refinishing?


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YP Answers

Any color can be considered for refinishing cabinets, but the trend these days is to put a lighter color on darker original cabinetry to brighten up the room. White is the standard color choices, while variations on beige and gray are also very widely used. However, design publications showcase unexpected hues like aqua blue, green and yellow--sometimes used as an accent or “pop of color” in just a couple selected panels....Read More

Jackson S.

Some people like the natural wood look, but white is becoming a very popular color choice since it can go well with a variety of backgrounds. It can match perfectly with light colors or contrast darker, bolder ones. Ultimately, the choice depends on personal preference....Read More

Joanna D.

The color of a cabinet won't change how a cabinet refinishing goes, any refinish will look fine as long as you take your time and do it right. The only thing that would matter is what kind of stain you're using. If you're using a water stain, controlling the color can be tricky, using something more muted/subtle would prevent having to redo the cabinets in the case of an accident....Read More