If a government agency or a company has levied a fine against someone are they allowed to garnish 100% of monthly income, especially when it is all the money that i make and dnt have any other source of income?


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I am not a legal expert, but I can provide some general information. The ability to garnish wages usually depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction and the circumstances surrounding the fine. In some cases, a government agency or a company can pursue wage garnishment to collect the fine owed.

However, there are usually legal limitations on the amount that can be garnished from an individual's income, regardless of whether it is their only source of income. These limitations are typically based on the individual's income and necessary living expenses. The specific rules and regulations regarding garnishment and the maximum percentage that can be taken may vary by jurisdiction.

If you are facing such a situation, it is advisable to seek legal advice from a qualified attorney or a legal aid organization in your area. They will be able to assess your specific circumstances and provide guidance on the applicable laws and regulations.

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