Someone owes me over 6000 charged on my credit card


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It is recommended that you take the following steps:

  1. Contact your credit card company: Inform them about the unauthorized charges and inquire about their policies and procedures for disputing fraudulent transactions. They may guide you through the necessary steps to resolve the issue.
  2. File a dispute: Typically, credit card companies have a dispute process in place for situations like these. Ensure that you provide them with all relevant details, such as the date, time, and amount of the unauthorized transaction, as well as any supporting documentation you may have.
  3. Monitor your account: Keep a close eye on your credit card statements and activity to identify any further suspicious charges. Report anything unusual to your credit card company immediately.
  4. Follow up: It is crucial to follow up with your credit card company regarding the disputed charges regularly. Stay in touch to ensure that the matter is being addressed and resolved properly.

If the unauthorized charges were made by someone you know personally or suspect fraud, you may also want to consider contacting the relevant authorities or seeking legal advice to explore your options further.

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